Is a set of typical dishes of Japanese cuisine based on rice along with other ingredients such as fish, seaweed, vegetables or eggs. The filling can be raw, cook or marinated and can be served resting on rice, rolled in a strip of seaweed, arranged in rolls of rice or placed in a small tofu pocket. The variety of the dish comes from the choice of other condiments and in the way they are combined.
The Japanese cheesecake, also called cotton cake is a Japanese dessert prepared with a cheese cream that is usally cooked in a rectangular mold, cooked in a bai-marie and served in squares. It is fluffy and it has a light taste. It can be served at nature, with sprinkling of powdered sugar or accompanied by a sauce based on fruit.
Ramen is a soup full of flavers and aromas from Japan. It's a very substantial dish and there are innumerable varations, each japanese locality has its own version of ramen. The soup is also enriched with slices of loin, eggs and noodles, a type of pasta spread in Asian countries with a long and shape similar to our spaghetti.
Is a set of typical dishes of Japanese cuisine based on rice along with other ingredients such as fish, seaweed, vegetables or eggs. The filling can be raw, cook or marinated and can be served resting on rice, rolled in a strip of seaweed, arranged in rolls of rice or placed in a small tofu pocket. The variety of the dish comes from the choice of other condiments and in the way they are combined.

The Japanese cheesecake, also called cotton cake is a Japanese dessert prepared with a cheese cream that is usally cooked in a rectangular mold, cooked in a bai-marie and served in squares. It is fluffy and it has a light taste. It can be served at nature, with sprinkling of powdered sugar or accompanied by a sauce based on fruit.

Ramen is a soup full of flavers and aromas from Japan. It's a very substantial dish and there are innumerable varations, each japanese locality has its own version of ramen. The soup is also enriched with slices of loin, eggs and noodles, a type of pasta spread in Asian countries with a long and shape similar to our spaghetti.
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